Curiosity started off on Earth, blasted out of our atmosphere on a big phallic shaped bomb, flew all the way to Mars, entered the Marian atmosphere and somehow successfully landed on the surface using a landing technique that comes straight out of a crazy Arthur Clarke sci-fi novel, sent a signal back to Earth, received signals from Earth and carried out instructions carried in those signals, successfully tested a whole bunch of different cameras, successfully blasted a hole into a rock using a laser, figured out what the rock was made out of by looking at the light coming off of the rock as it was being lasered, successfully tested its ability to move it's wheels from side to side, and now...
It's gone for a test drive.
I know that Curiosity was not designed to find life on Mars, but why do I have the sneaking suspicion that should it stumble across some little green men it will figure out a way to drive them to Washington and drop them off at the White House?
To the Curiosity team, keep up the great work!
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