Monday, October 7, 2019

Should I Steal My Own Name?

My last post here was on December 3, 2014 when I tested cross posting from Medium.  The post before that was from December 5, 2012 when I linked to the account that I used to replace this blog.

So in 2012 I left Blogger for, then in 2014 I left for Medium, then at some point I left Medium for a new  I even setup a custom URL for the 2nd wordpress.  It is  Impressed?  No?

I haven't even thought about this account in almost five years.  Last night the title of the blog popped into my head: The Importance of Being Rob - Follow the Random Musings of a Random Redhead.  the current blog is called The Redhead Revolution.  I thought maybe I'd change the new blog's name to the old blog's name.

Now that I'm here though... I don't know.  Maybe?