What can I say? I love Star Trek. Probably not as much as Star Wars mind you. Star Trek is lacking in the light saber department.
The new flick comes out on my birthday. Guess what I want to do that night?
I haven't seen the new Bond movie yet, but I am itching to do that. I was thinking about seeing if Jen wanted to go see the Lowell Devils game Saturday night, but now I think Bond is the better option.
Getting back to the Space theme, check out this story:
Astronaut loses tool bag during spacewalk
In summary, an astronaut doing a space walk on the ISS had the zero-g equivalent of a grease gun in a tool bag. Some how it started leaking and got lubricant all over all of the other tools in the bag. The astronaut took out the gun and started cleaning it off... all while standing outside of the station. While she was doing this she did not see the tool bag drifting away from her. By the time she noticed it had floated out of her reach.
This poses the question: Actually it doesn't pose any questions to anyone other than a supreme geek like me, but what can you do? Anyway, now that the bag is officially an artificial sattelite of the Earth, should we give it a name? Also, has anyone at NASA calculated the approximate time it will take for it to be sucked back into the atmosphere to die a horrible firey death? And did the producers of Dead Like Me have anything to do with it?
And speaking of Dead Like Me why the hell didn't anyone tell me there was going to be a movie? A direct to DVD release possibly scheduled for February 17, 2009? Is this the best direct to DVD news ever? Even better than the direct to DVD Futurama movies? Yes I think it is! Yes I think Robert is happy right now!

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