This was my first ever visit to Grand Central Station.

There were Christmas decorations everywhere.

We walked from Grand Central to 5th Avenue to the edge of Central Park. Our destination? The Apple store, of course. It was the kids' idea.

Obligatory flags on buildings photo.

My step son pointed out the Union Jack.

The Salvation Army folks successfully improved on their tried and true fundraising format.

My step daughter knew exactly what this statue depicts.

I'm sure this is much more impressive at night.

I like clocks. What are you gonna do about it?

We briefly detoured into the Trump Tower before heading on to the Apple store.

We also stopped in Tiffany's.

After the Apple store we headed to Rockefeller Center, taking a cab most of the way, to see the tree and the skating.

The tree is huge, but somehow looks taller on TV. It probably thinks the same about me.

Rockefeller Center was mobbed, but it was nothing compared to how busy it was later in the evening. Keep reading for more on that.

We were gypped a little. The Zamboni was out cleaning the ice surface so we didn't get to see any skating.

From there we headed to Broadway to catch a showing of Wicked. We all liked it, although it was admittedly a tad on the girly side for the two males in the group. The kids weren't as up on The Wizard of Oz as we would have liked, so they missed a lot of the jokes, but it was an enjoyable show.
I still didn't see anyone selling $10 Rolex's, but there were plenty of caricature artists on the street that day.

Arty photo #1.

After the show let out we tried to find someplace to go for dinner and got sucked into the largest street crowd I've ever been a part of. There were a gagillion people in Rockefeller Center. Jen and I were both very nervous about losing the kids. Later they both realized we were nervous and got scared, but I think at the time they were okay. I managed to get some night time tree pictures before things got out of hand.

The camera stayed away while we were pressing through the massive crowd, but I had to take this picture because it reminded me of Cloverfield. I can almost see the monster herding people through the streets.

We were clear of the crowd by this point and looking back at the tree.

We walked around a random corner on the way back to Grand Central and saw this. Arty photo #2.

Arty photo #3.

Finally, arty photo #4. Thus concludes the Saturday in New York picture post.

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