Once everything at home was ready, including a big plate full of freshly baked cookies that Jen and the kids put together while I was at work, we piled into the van and headed up to Jen's mom's for the Christmas Eve party.

We got there first and spent time playing tick tack toe, and watching the Norad Santa Tracker. Once the rest of the guests arrived we piled into the presents. The kids played Santa and handed out gifts to everyone. My in-laws got me a nice shirt and a very cool looking Red Sox triva game. Game night anyone? I also took pictures.

We left the party kind of late, the kids had already left with their father, and headed home. We put out the cookies and milk for Santa, and some celery for the reindeer and hurried off to bed. We turned out the light at 11:52... just in time to get to sleep before Santa arrived.
Christmas morning we hurried out of the house as fast as possible to get to Mike's to see the kids getting out of bed. I took 1000000000 pictures, as usual, and the kids are in almost all of them. There are only a few I can share here, so here is the best one. Easily the best one.

After the kids destroyed the wrapping on all of the gifts Santa gave them we had breakfast and played with a couple of the new toys. Then we packed up again and headed to our house so the kids could see what Santa left there.
After the kids finished with their Santa haul Mike and Yvonne left for a while and we exchanged our family presents. We all made out like bandits with all sorts of great presents being opened.

We then ripped into a few of the new toys and spent a couple of hours playing. Barbie, Wizards of Waverly Place, Hot Wheels, and Toy Story were among the first toy brands played with. We all had a blast.
Eventually Mike came back and the kids went with him to have dinner at their Aunt's house. Jen and I jumped into the van and drove to my sister's house where we had Christmas dinner, exchanged gifts with the extended family, and watched the two toddlers run amok. It was a great time.

I, of course, took another 1000000000 pictures and once again they all have kids in them. I did get one cool one of the tree lights bouncing off the wall.

Eventually Christmas day came to a close and a very tired Jen and Rob went home and fell dead asleep. It was a really wonderful day. Our third Christmas together. Our second Christmas living together. Our first Christmas as a married couple. It was perfect. Thanks to my entire extended family, the kids' entire extended family, and most of all to my loving, lovely wife Jen without whom the whole thing would have been pointless. I love you sweetie.
There was a theme to the day after Christmas, Boxing Day where applicable, and that theme was: Waiting.
We cleaned up the bomb site that was our kitchen and living room. We had to dig through Christmas debris in order to find the floors, but we some how managed. We then went to a little breakfast joint in Salem, NH. We've gone there a bunch of times and it is often busy. This time we had to wait 10 minutes or so to get a table, and then we had to wait AN HOUR to get our food. They were out of control busy and short handed to boot.
We then went to Best Buy to take advantage of some of those after Christmas deals and get a couple of things we had promised to each other. We had to give our names in one department and wait for some one to be available to help us. The 25 minute wait turned into an hour. While waiting for that item we went to another department and waited 40 minutes for some one to help us check out. We ended up spending about 90 minutes in the store. It was insane.
From there we went home for a while before going out again for some food shopping and dinner. Once we got back to the house we stayed there for the rest of the weekend. No more waiting in lines for us, damn it.
Sunday was spent relaxing for the most part. We watched a few Christmas gift blu-rays and played a few Christmas gift video games. We also did about three weeks worth of laundry. Clean clothes for everyone!
The only downside of the Christmas weekend was that it ended. Three days was really nice, but four or five or six or twenty would have been even better.
Next up is New Year's Eve. The current plan is to go to Jen's mom's again for a Beatles Rock Band marathon. The holiday season is in full swing and there is more celebration to come! If only we could do something about the four work days still to go.
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