Monday, September 13, 2010

Pack, Fat Boy, Pack!

Okay, so no packing got done this weekend. Housework got done, Jen's back got really sore so lots of sitting on the couch watching movies got done (Old School, Tropic Thunder, Club Dread, Cloverfield), but no packing got done.

That changes tonight damn it! Tonight: We Pack!

We've got a shit load of boxes that we'll probably burn through in one room. So much to do, so much to do!

Rush tomorrow night. The holy trinity of prog rock comes to my town and Jen, Mike, and I will totally be there!

The commitment letter from the mortgage company is supposed to come in this week. I was really hoping it would be here by now, and we don't have any reason to expect that we won't be getting it... but it's still not in our hands. I really, really want that commitment letter.

Less than three weeks until the scheduled closing date. So much to do, so much to do!

Pack, fat boy, Pack!

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