It works though, and here's proof:
I suddenly have this urge to take dawn/twilight pictures of the moon. Weird.

Yesterday the hawk that lives near our building landed on the ledge right outside my window. I took this (and the one I posted yesterday, and one other too) while sitting at my desk.

What else...
Last night I did something I don't know if I've ever done before. I talked in my sleep. I started telling Jen that the kids were doing the homework assignment that she told them to do. It came from some woman in Pittsburgh (do I know anyone in Pittsburgh?). The assignment was to come up with a homework assignment for Kindergärtners. I guess I started telling Jen all about it and she had no idea what I was talking about so I started arguing with her that she in fact did know what I was talking about. Then she told me to roll over and go to sleep so I did. Shortly after that she said she had the same dream.
What else...
Jim Rice is in the Baseball Hall of Fame. No, he probably doesn't belong there based on his numbers. He was the most feared hitter in baseball for a while, and in 1978 he had one of the most monstrous offensive seasons ever, but he fell off the edge of the world in 1987 or so, and he could never play defense very well. Still, he was a Red Sox lifer (still is. He is a commentator on the Red Sox broadcasts on NESN) and I wanted to see him get in. I still remember reading the stats pages in the early 80's and seeing Rice and fellow Sox outfielder Tony Armas dominating the power stats with right fielder Dwight Evans never far behind. Sure the team was never all that great in those years, but they were still fun to watch.
Congratulations Jim Rice!

What else...
Wedding preparations continue. Last night we bought another box of invitations so that we can have the freedom to make mistakes while printing them out. We also got a couple of items for use as favors. We've flip flopped like a Congressman on whether or not to bother with favors. Last night we walked into a store to buy supplies and were totally 100% sure we weren't doing favors. By the time we got to the check out though we were 100% sure that we were. (For the record, "flip flopped like a Congressman" is going to be my new saying. I'm going to use it so often that everyone will get to the point they want to punch me when they hear it. Good times!)
Jen printed out a test invitation on Saturday and took it to Mary's birthday party for some feedback. A couple of changes and an addition were suggested and we will incorporate all of it. Then the only issue is getting the damn printer to print the damn things. The process is annoying. Jen also ordered some tissue papery stuff and some lined envelopes last night. She is awesome.
Oh, and Jen and Mary are going out tonight to pick out Mary's maid of honor dress. I get to stay home and be on call. Nice! (That was sarcasm, I hate being on call.)
What else...
Nothing. That'll do for now.
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