You might have to click on that to blow it up so you can read it, but it might be the best comic ever.
Hairy Fishnuts?
Second things second:
Cinematic Titanic. It's Mystery Science Theater 3000 without the robots, but with some of the robot voices. There are six episode DVDs. We have the first three. We watched "The Oozing Skull" almost as soon as it came out. Over the last couple of nights we've watched "Doomsday Machine" and "The Wasp Woman" (still working on that one) and we've been laughing almost non-stop.
Even better... if you're lucky you might be able to see them do it live. We missed them in Boston last week, but I am hoping this becomes a somewhat regular thing and we get another chance in the future.
Third things third:
As the producer, engineer, record company president, songwriter, guitar player, bass player, vocalist, and percussionist of my 2009 RPM Challenge attempt I have decided to make a command decision. It isn't going to be finished by 2/28. I am extending my personal deadline by a week or two. I'm going to finish it, just not in one month. So now the album-in-a-month challenge is an album-in-six-weeks-or-so challenge. I was much too beat this morning to get up early, and I was much too interested in just hanging out with Jen to work on it last night. The same will be true tonight and every night. I will stick to mornings. Also, I don't want to miss time with Jen and the kids on Saturday. All along I was expecting to take a day off from work to record the vocals. (the day off from work allows me to do all of my terrible singing while the house is empty of potential listeners.) I've had a little too much going on to miss a day this week, so I will put in for a vacation day early in March and nail it all then. When it's done I'll post it at alonetone, and maybe virb too, and probably a song or two at myspace to go along with it. Then no one can ever listen to any of it at their leisure and all will be well.
Fourth things forth:
Jen and I have a date scheduled for tonight. A pick-the-songs-to-be-used-during-the-various-important-dances-at-the-wedding-reception date. Send your suggestions as comments. Thanks!
Fifth things fifth:
I want to go on a vacation. I have the itch like you wouldn't believe. We have a two week honeymoon coming up in a few months that will take us to three different vacation destinations, but I want more. I want to go somewhere and do something, even if it's just going somewhere and doing nothing. I don't want to spend money on it though, which poses a dilemma. Maybe an overnight trip some weekend? Something simple? Maybe just a get away day trip or something? I don't care. I want to go somewhere. I have discovered that I like traveling. I like stocking up on batteries and taking thousands of pictures that are meaningless to everyone on Earth except for me and Jen. Post comments with day trip/overnight trip ideas here too.
Sixth things Sixth:
President Obama (still like the sound of that) is going to give the State of the Nation address... why not State of the Union? I know we're all about change now, but that seems rather a piddly thing to change. Anyway. CNN and Facebook are going to do another joint broadcast deal. You may see the little twitter feed thing on the right side of this page go through a ton of updates. Just in case you're watching. Both of you.
Seventh things seventh:
There is no seventh thing. That's all for now folks.
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