Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Three Months and More RPM Crap.

Three months ago today I launched this useless blog. If my math is correct this will be post number 263. That's approximately 2.86 posts per day. I am up to 873 hits. If I were an egotist I would calculate the number of hits per day, but way too many of them are actually me so that number isn't a good representation. Still, when I check where the hits come from there are a lot that aren't me. That's kinda nice, even if there are only two or three people hitting regularly, including me. It warms the cockles of my heart, so to speak. Leave a comment. Share the love. If you have a google account you could always follow me too. If you use twitter you can follow robertjames1971, and if you use tumblr, all of my posts here and all of the crap I post to twitter are RSS'd to my account here so you can follow that too.

When did I become a content whore? Have I always been this way? Well... I did get 10,000 hits on the myspace blog I don't use anymore... maybe I have always been a content whore. Who knew?

Enough shameless self promotion... on to the shameless self promotion!

I got up early to work on the RPM project, but not quite as early as I wanted. 5:20 instead of 5:00. I still managed to work out Lame Song #9. I am running into difficulties or two sorts.

First, yesterday the tape I am using errored at about 35:40. I was about 10 seconds into a take and didn't notice for about three minutes. I hate when that happens. I rolled the tape about 10 seconds past that point and tried again and all worked well. Today I was at about the 38:40 mark when one of the tracks somehow printed all sorts of weird extraneous noise. It sounded like digital distortion, but the input levels had been really low. It almost sounds like the track was out of sync with itself. Because I failed to get out of bed at 5:00 I didn't have enough time to do another take. So tomorrow the first thing I will do is dig out another tape and re-track today's Lame Song. Not a big deal. I just can't hit snooze twice again.

The other difficulty is that the well felt pretty dry today. I make no bones about the fact that everything I have written during this challenge has been crap of the highest order. I am working through multiple time constraints and running with whatever musical drivel comes out of my head. For Lame Songs #1-8 I came up with something usable... awful, but usable... very quickly. Not only that, but I have been coming up with (usually) three separate ideas that I have been working into these horribly lame songs. Today, not so much. I was noodling for a while without hitting on anything that was awful but usable. Everything was just awful. I ended up going the gimmick route and messing around with drop D tuning. It worked, I got something out of my pea-brain, but I am a little worried about tomorrow.

Furthermore, RPM is just one February music challenge and I was trying to nail another one too. FAWM (can't forget about that one) challenges you to write 14 songs in 28 days. All along I have been trying to get 10 new songs recorded, but aspiring to actually get 14. I'm worried about pulling that off now. 10 would be outstanding, but suddenly it would also be a little disappointing.

Still, optimism abounds! I will be back at it tomorrow!

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