Including many sad attempts at artsy fartsy kinda stuff like these!

And who knew Disney World was so violent?

I am also very jealous right now. Today is the kids' end of the school year awards ceremony and I am not there. I wish I was. Jen is going so she and the kids can give me a full report.
What is even more jealousy worthy than that? Well check this out... the kids start summer vacation tomorrow. That's right. Starting tomorrow afternoon they get to be school-free for almost three months. THREE MONTHS! I am so jealous. I want to have summer vacations again. I miss it very much. Wouldn't it be great to just stay home with my wife all day and just hang out watching cartoons and playing in the yard? That's the life, I tells ya.
Anyway, go look at the pictures if you want to. If you don't then don't.
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