This post is something like 18 years in the making.
Yeah, cutting edge information here!
So I have gone to UMass Lowell twice. I refer to it the same way Veterans refer to their times in a war zone. I did two tours in Iraq, or I did three tours in 'Nam. Me personally, I did two tours at UMass Lowell.
The first time was between the Fall of 1989 and the Spring of 1991. I think it was the semester after I dropped out that the city did something to screw over the South Campus.
During that first tenure when I was a music student we had a parking lot along the bank of the Merrimack River. The land belonged to the city and there really wasn't any other parking area for commuting students on South Campus.
Then the city did this:

Yeah, that lovely little park is my South Campus parking lot.
I'm still pissed about that, even though it didn't affect me. It took the University years to find another parking lot. In the end they built the Riverview lot using the same specifications as the main lot on North Campus. They found the steepest, most painful hill on the campus and put the huge parking lot at the bottom of it. I think that might be a state college thing in Massachusetts because the Bedford campus of Middlesex Community College was built the same way.
So my mother has been hospital hoping in Lowell and I had a chance to take pictures for this ridiculous almost 20 years too late post.
Yeah, so this is lame... here are a few more Merrimack River in Lowell pictures.
They have a beach on the Merrimack? Like, people go in the water? GROSS!

Cool boat.

My old, old, old, old school. Durgin Hall.



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