Not a short little flurry, actual accumulating snow. Wet, heavy snow. Not a lot but enough to cover car windows.
It's October 16th. We haven't even reached Halloween yet and we got snow today. Traffic on route 93 was about 15 miles per hour slower than a normal Friday. All because of snow.
Last winter apparently has skipped over spring, summer, and fall and went straight into this winter. Crud.
Change of Subject
Last evening Jen heard some nasty high pitched squealing coming from the mini-van. We decided to take it to our regular mechanic today. I drove it there and when I left the driveway I could hear the noise too. 10 minutes later I couldn't hear the noise anymore. All the way to the shop I couldn't hear it. Isn't that just the way?
Change of Subject
If this were a Star Trekian alternate universe I would not be at work today. I would also have a goatee and I would be wearing an ugly gold lame sash, but I would not be at work.
I would also be posting a picture that looks like this:

I would be out making the last, last minute wedding preparations for tomorrow's big day. That's right, today was our originally scheduled wedding rehearsal day. Today is the day that Alternate-Universe-Rob (goatee and all) and Alternate-Universe-Jen are holding their final wedding ceremony run through. I wish our Alternate-Universe-goatee-wearing-selves the best of luck. I can tell them honestly that this is going to be the happiest time of their lives and that married life is going to be fantastic.
I should send them a gift.

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