I hate Mondays.
Years ago I rerouted my morning commute to avoid the worst highway traffic jams on Earth. I have had to reroute it a number of times since to avoid painful lights, intersections, road work, and school buses. Recently I went through a major reroute to get around a new construction site on route 495 in Tewksbury. I now find myself taking Shawsheen Street in Tewksbury for its entire length. Today on that one road I was behind a single school bus that stopped me EIGHT EFFING TIMES! That's eight, or 8, frick-on-stickin' times.
On Saturday Jen and I were out running errands. We were on route 93 North just before the New Hampshire line. It was pouring like a mah-fah (you can blame Stephen King's character Detta Walker for sticking that colorful metaphor into my head) and some... what's a good adjective... ummm... how about Douche Bag passed us on the right going much much faster than was safe to drive. We both commented on how we were probably going to see him crashed on the side of the road when sure enough he crossed into the left lane, spun out of control, went off the road to the left, spun around again, headed back onto the road, spun around two or three more times, and ended up facing the wrong direction in the breakdown lane on the right.
He didn't hit anyone but everyone stopped to avoid him. His response to coming perilously close to dying on the road was to litteraly floor his gas and spin himself around, his tires almost losing grip on the wet road again, before speeding across the road back into the left lane and flying away even faster. We didn't see him dead on the side of the road further to the North, but I am 100% positive that was only because we got off the road at the next exit. I expect to do a quick Google News search and see his obituary. Nice move slick.
We may be zeroing in on a house. I can't say for sure. We like everything about it, but it's such a big decision ya know? And back in April when we jumped at one it ended up spitting back in our faces. We might be a bit gun shy this time, but it is a nice house. Hopefully we'll have some family look at it with us this weekend and get some outside opinions. Fingers crossed.
Not sure why, but this picture seemed to get a bunch of hits on Flickr this weekend. I guess people like stuff shot through wickedly dirty lenses.

That's all for now folks. Drive safe and watch out for those damn school buses!
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