Yesterday, after spending the day ironing and washing/drying all the clothes I could find, watching a few episodes of Boston Legal which go a long way toward proving that William Shatner really is the king, listening to the fifth Dark Tower book on tape, generally enjoying not being at work (thank you Veterans), and generally missing my wife (who had to work), the kids were subjected to Superman II.
We watched Superman the Movie Sunday night before watching part II last night. They agreed that the sequel was much better. After they went to bed Jen and I continued viewing the entire series of Smallville. We're well into season five now.
Yes, Superman is everywhere in our home. We even had two kids pretending to be able to move faster than light. Can you say wicked cute? I knew that you could.
Look! Up in the Sky! It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's Superman!

Oh and yes, we all agree that despite his lack of superpowers Lex Luthor is the ass kicking super villain. Oh yes.
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