We finally, finally pulled off another game night on Saturday. It wasn't the full group in attendance, but it was a lot of us. Most importantly (from my self centered point of view) it included us! Jen and I have missed the last few and we were really happy to be able to get to this one.
We spent the day on a rocky beach in Nahant. I ruined a pair of shoes. Jen went in the kayak with Michael. Larry and Nawal's baby had the coolest inflatable frog pool and all of the grown ups agreed that they wanted one for themselves. Later Michael cooked on the grill and then we went inside and played an interesting scategories type game that was much more adult orientated. A great time was had by all, as usual.
Sunday was dedicated to my nephew's second birthday party. He got a bunch of trucks and trains and awesome stuff that all the grown ups were wicked jealous of. I will post a few pictures on the private page later. Until then, you'll have to settle for these...
Girl of my dreams/birthday videographer.

Wild Turkeys in the back yard!

Now... is it the weekend yet?
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