You have been warned.
Like I said yesterday I tended to take pictures of stuff instead of people. These are more pictures of stuff. Mostly. There will be a private post soon that has people in it.
That is our living room, taken from the side yard at night. Impressed? I was.

This is the best picture I took over the whole week.

I tried starting a camp fire one night and failed. Uncle Ken was successful.

This is the back of our house. Yeah.

There were perfect spider webs all over the place. Not crappy ones like the jerks in our yard at home make.

At the edge of the lake. It looks like there was a boat launch here in the past.

The ducks were regular visitors. The kids loved them.

More great big, slippery rocks on the shore.

Something about this boat. I liked it. I kept going back to it.

Was this the beach they told us about on the house's website? Probably not, it didn't seem to be public, based on the fore sale sign.

One of our two docks had a jet ski launch and park benches built in.

The next few are from a brief, failed excursion to Old Orchard Beach. All the fun kid stuff was closed.

Obligatory pier picture.

The beach to the left of the pier.

The beach to the right of the pier.

The fire pit, as seen from the hot tub.

We were near the very northern tip of Long Lake and there was a little marina across the water from us.

Looking at the dock on the right, from the back yard.

Bridgton Fireworks! Happy 4th!

Our living room came equipped with a sail boat.

I think this one is my second favorite. I like the colors on the water.

There's that little blue sailboat again.

The little (probably private) beach around the corner from us had a dock for diving. There were usually kids on it. Even after midnight.

That bobber was put there by my step son, who is now a fishing fanatic.

I tried taking some long exposures of the stars. They were all a little blurry. Probably not due to the rotation of the Earth.

And finally, a birthday wish for myself. I want the house we stayed in (it's for sale, for 1.2 million dollars) and this boat. Can we make that happen? No?

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