Monday, August 17, 2009


I'm a little confused... and I think I might be way out of date with my info...

So... A bunch of people from Mystery Science Theater 3000 have a new Internet mail order DVD project called Cinematic Titanic which basically is MST3K under a different name. I knew that, I've seen a few of the DVDs, it's awesome and you should love it.

What I did not know, is that three other former cast members/writers from MST3K have a separate project doing exactly the same thing called RiffTrax. RiffTrax apparently shows less mercy upon the Hollywood elite by destroying big budget block busters instead of mostly forgotten B movies. In fact, I just watched a clip of them hammering away brilliantly on Star Wars Episode III.

What brought this second slice of brilliance pie to my attention? @BadAstronomer on twitter posted that there was going to be a RiffTrax movie event. Here is the link to the announcement.

In short, you will be able to go to a cinema near you to see a simulcast of the guys riffing on none other than the worst movie ever made, Plan 9 from Outer Space. This is incredibly cool, although not as cool as the Cinematic Titanic group going on tour about a year ago... that was cooler... I wonder if there is animosity between the two groups. Lawsuits and name calling and what not.

Still, as coolness goes, this ranks exceptionally high. Especially when the target film is the atrociously horrible Plan 9. On the awesome scale from 1-10 this clocks in at about a 2,000.

We won't be going, but if you can get there you should. Here is a link to the list of participating theaters. For those of you who live near me, the best bet looks like the AMC in Burlington, MA.

Good luck getting tickets and laugh your ass off.

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