Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mom Update

We didn't make it to the hospital yesterday. Jen is sick with a fever. It looks like the flu.

I got plenty of updates though. She was a little more confused than she had been on Friday. That's the bad news. The sort of good news is that she is scheduled to start chemotherapy on Monday. I say sort of good because they are finally treating her disease, which is wonderful, but at the same time... It's going to be awful.

Keep the positivity coming Mom's way.

1 comment:

  1. Rob, I just want to let you know, after having seen my friend Jackie on chemo -- if anyone is sick or even THINKS they're coming down with something, stay away! Because what will happen is, if the chemo recipient gets infected with even the slightest germ, then the chemo goes to that germ to kill it rather than to the tumor it's intended for. I'm sure the doctors will tell you guys this, but it's good to know. Dick had a sign posted on his front door so no one would come to visit if they were not feeling well. Just something to keep in mind.
