First though, I must document the back yard after yet another snowfall last night. This one was one of those icy ones that clings to the trees and is actually pretty to look at. Crazy, I know.
First though, an icicle update. This huge one on the back of the house is still hanging on, but it looks like it's seen better days. Temps in the mid 30's will do that to ya.

Remember, 2011 is the year of the macro.

There are colors out there... weird, huh?

We've been told that there is a melt spawned brook that runs on the edge of our property. I wonder if that spot there is a puddle... and is that the beginnings of our brook? (I don't thin so)

Branches and snow. Not bad to look at, but I'd really rather the same image with no snow. No snow on the branches, no snow on the ground, no snow anywhere in sight.

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