Tuesday, March 15, 2011


A quiet night last night. Jen had to work late and I magically got home first. After sitting on the couch watching Family Guy for about 15 minutes she called me and asked me if I wanted to meet her for dinner. I did. So I drove to her office to pick her up. Within seconds it was decided to just drive someplace close to home and leave the van at her work. I had to get up early to drive her in this morning, but that was fine... with the exception of a bridge being out on Brown Street in Tewksbury. Stupid thing. I got around it though.

Yesterday demonstrated both the huge upside to daylight savings time and the major downside. The upside is that I got home from work before the sun went down. Granted, I had magical traffic luck and it only took an hour to get home, but even if I needed the normal 75 minutes or so I still would have been home before sunset. The downside is that when the alarm clock goes off at 6:00am it is still dark outside. When I say dark I mean, dark. I had gotten used to having some light coming in the window to help wake me up in the morning. Those days are over for a little while. I can live with it though.

No new news on Mom yet. She has an appointment tomorrow. I'll let you know how that goes. Fingers crossed.

In closing, beware the ides of March and all that fun stuff. If your name is Caesar you might want to consider not going out in public today. Just saying.

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