Can't think of anything to write about.
Hey! Did you hear the Bruins won the Stanley Cup? Yeah! I still can't believe it. I mean... The Stanley Cup... in Boston! I just... I just... I can't get over it. I have to keep reminding myself. Normally at this time of year I am reading up on which players are going to become free agents on July 1st. This year? Who cares, we won The Cup!
In baseball news, the Red Sox have dropped out of first place again thanks to losing six of their last 10. Inter-League play is not being good for them. Cliff Lee obliterated them last night, but you sort of expect that from Cliff Lee. I voted for the all star team yesterday. I haven't been following the majors enough to make intelligent decisions on most positions, especially the National League, so I just made sure I voted for Adrien Gonzales and then placed a few home town votes that probably aren't quite deserving, and then favored San Diego and Milwaukee on the senior circuit. They have an interesting little tweek to the ballot. You can vote multiple times. You submit the ballot, the page refreshes, and the submit button is still there. You can just keep hitting it. There is a max number of votes (25, I think) but I don't know if that is per day or per email address or what. I guess when it comes to ballot box stuffing if you can't beat them, join them.
Still haven't made any final decisions on what to do with our 4th of July weekend. It mostly depends on the weather. Checking the five day forecast, Saturday is looking great. Sunday might not be quite so good. We'll have to see.
Let's just hope for good weather, maybe a beach, and some fireworks.

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