The fourth of July weekend is coming up and we can't settle on any plans. We thought about Maine on Saturday, but then we found out that Beatlejuice is playing at Methuen's town celebration. We thought about Lake George in New York but thought better of it, fiscally. We are a little handcuffed for Monday the 4th itself because we need to hand the kids off to their Dad at some point, so we need to stay close to home. There are cook out invites all over the place, and there is Lake Winnipesaukee looking down at us from the not so distant North. There are also Hampton and Salisbury and York and Old Orchard and how many other beaches on the MA/NH/ME seacoasts.
Thought: I have long, long, been anti-television show. Prior to 2004 I was pretty much boycotting all television that wasn't sports. Then I stumbled on Dead Like Me and really liked it. I thought it was an aberration, but recently I have watched a lot of TV shows and liked them.
Or have I?
Jen has recently become a fan of Glee. She watched the whole first season on Netflixs, but season two is not yet available for streaming. I asked her if she was going to watch the next season as it aired. That got me thinking...
When was the last time I followed a television show that I had to wait to see each week's new episodes?
Dead Like Me, I saw the pilot on-air as a rerun just prior to the start of the second and final season. I then went online and found rips of the entire first year. Also, there was a leak of a bunch of season two episodes and I watched those online as well. I then had to wait for each new episode, but I rarely watched them on television, preferring to gobble them up online.
South Park? I used to video tape each week's episode, but that was a long time ago. I probably stopped doing that in 1999 or 2000. I used to video tape all Star Trek shows, but that ran out of steam for me in the second to last season of Voyager. That would have been in 2000. I tried to start again with Enterprise but quickly started finding those online too.
Since then my wife and I have watched close to every episode of at least Friends, Scrubs, Smallville, and How I Met Your Mother. There are others too. I watched a bunch of Glee with her, and I've snuck in the first year of the Battlestar Galactica remake as well. None of which were watched on broadcast television. All were either via DVD, Netflix, or video tape.
So maybe... maybe it's not the programming that I have a problem with (although 99.999% of television programming is worse than garbage). Maybe it's the waiting. Maybe having to wait seven days after watching something on television is too much for my mini-attention span. If I can't devour it all in a short time, I don't bother.
Maybe the real question is, who cares?
Maybe we should just say screw it and go to Lake George. hehe What do you say, Jen? hehe

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