There wasn't a lot of snow. Maybe an inch. Maybe a little more than that. It was coming down hard enough as we were leaving for work that we had to re-brush off the car windows after we finished brushing off the car.
We got a little good news while we were in the driveway. Our next door neighbor reiterated something he said to me back in April when we moved in. He told me that our landlord hired him to shovel out our driveway. This morning he asked if both of our cars were going to be out so that he could shovel everything. I didn't doubt that he'd said it to me, but eight months is a long time and I was a little nervous that maybe the arrangement might have changed. It hasn't. That's good.
I had taken our one shovel out of the house just in case we needed it this morning though... and proceeded to leave it leaning against the front of the house. Whoops.
The commute started out slow. Methuen hadn't gotten around to plowing yet so the roads were a little slippery getting to route 93. Unfortunately, Massachusetts hadn't gotten around to plowing route 93 either so that was pretty slow. I would guess it averaged about 30-35 miles per hour at first.
Once I reached the 495 in one mile sign though the right lane stopped. The merge onto route 495 took me 25 minutes. The cause was an accident on 495. A car went off the road to the left about half a mile South of the 93 junction. There were a couple of cops, and that plus the snow makes a huge curiosity delay.
The situation on my exit ramp was made much worse by the stream of douchebags who decided to avoid the right lane back up by taking the exit from the second lane. If all those pricks had just done things correctly it probably would have been over and done with in 10 minutes instead of 25. I hate stupid people.
At least I wasn't alone in the traffic jam. There was a kindred soul in front of me. See if you can make out the license plate on this car (click to enlarge). I wonder if I know him/her?
Once I was past the accident on 495 South the going was okay again. Back in the 30-35 mph range. I got off at exit 37 in Tewksbury and the going was a little slippery. Like Methuen and both interstates, there was no evidence of any plows having plowed anywhere. I crossed into Billerica and nothing changed. I saw a Lowell Transit bus spin out pretty bad while taking a left turn out of the North Billerica MBTA station.
I also saw an schmuck driving the wrong way on a one way street near the Billerica House of Correction. What is it about a dusting of snow that makes people act as if all the rules of the road are off? I hate stupid people.
Everything was okay from there with the exception of a backed up stop light in Concord that took nine minutes or so to get through. Bedford and Concord had plowed already, but Lincoln, and Wayland hadn't. It was raining by the time I reached Framingham so it's hard to tell if they plowed or not. It was just slushy and wet everywhere.
There was one other interesting moment. I was tooling along in Wayland on a little short-cut-side-street and I saw a deer. A Buck with antlers and everything. Pretty cool. I didn't notice a red nose, so I am assuming it wasn't Rudolph, but was just a run of the mill wild deer. I came close to getting a picture, but he ran off just before I could snap it.
Friday the forecast is for six inches of snow. Like I said before, I love it when it snows... I just love it when it doesn't snow a whole ton more.
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