We have had heavy rain and lots of snow and even more snow melt. The result is that rivers are running high. So I went to two spots on the Spicket River today and took a few pictures that I'd already taken (see paragraph 1 for the apology). The difference being that this time the water level was really high.
First, the damn. The last time I went here the water was trickling over the damn. This time it was roaring over it.

The water is getting close to the bridge here, but there is still some room to spare. I wonder what it looked like two days ago when the water was higher.

Now we move over to the music hall, where I took pictures just a couple of weeks ago (see paragraph 1 again). This time the water is a wee bit closer to the bridge.

The water is so high the waterfall is almost gone.

Please pardon my lame attempt at artsy... Trying to get the water through the drain pipe. Autofocus doesn't work.

Manual focus, however, gets the job done. How did I ever live without it?

Another view at the bridge that is close to getting wet. Again, I bet this was even worse yesterday and the day before.

The view from on top of the bridge. Also known as route 28.

Finally, one from yesterday. It was snowing and I tried to see how the new camera would handle it. It did all right.

So there you have it. All stuff I've done before but felt like doing again.
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