The Bruins lost to the Canadiens last night. Any loss to Montreal is a cause for fury and screaming and throwing things at strangers whose only crime is wearing blue white and red (as opposed to red white and blue... there is a HUGE difference). Last night, however, was the Bruins ninth (9th) consecutive loss. The longest losing streak the franchise has suffered since the 1920's. Yip-fricken-pee.
They were winning two to nothing when I sat down at the tube. I thought of actually saying out loud, "I'm here watching, you guys can collapse now." I didn't say it. I didn't want to jinx anything. Of course within the next three minutes of game play the Canadiens had scored twice to tie the game. Eventually they won in a shoot out. Frick-on-a-stick, as the saying goes.
The weekend plans are starting to form. On Saturday Jen is going to pretty much have to work all day. My job will then be to take care of all that needs to be taken care of while she works. That includes getting the van's tail light fixed, getting an oil change, getting an inspection sticker, getting some b-day gifts for a certain b-day boy and a certain b-day wife*, doing laundry, and doing anything else that comes up over the course of the day. I would also like to try and hide in the cellar and maybe start this year's RPM Challenge... six days late. (obviously still nothing on that front)
Sunday there are a few things going on. We have a huge birthday party for a certain young man to attend. Expect a gazillion pictures of kids out of their minds on sugar. After that we may be watching the kids for a bit while their dad and soon-to-be step mom go car shopping. After that I want to take a certain birthday wifey* out to dinner because I love her like CRAZY and it's her birthday. She's 21 years old this year and we need to celebrate in style. There is also a football game I think but I wouldn't care in the least if we miss that. Maybe if we wait until game time to go out to eat we won't have any waits to worry about. Good idea!
*When I say birthday wifey I am referring to this beautiful woman whom I love, adore, and can't get enough of. Obviously I am talking about the love of my life, Jen:

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