Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dying Tree Blues

This tree is half dead. It is pretty amazing to me that it survived the tropical storm winds, but it is clearly in bad shape.

 Is this being eaten by a woodpecker or is it termites. Please don't be termites.

2011-09-11 - Out in the Yard 042
Sure looks like a woodpecker to me, but how the hell would I know?
2011-09-11 - Out in the Yard 034
Saw dust on the ground. Interesting.
2011-09-11 - Out in the Yard 031
2011-09-11 - Out in the Yard 007

1 comment:

  1. we have at least 3 different types of woodpeckers in methuen. what you are seeing is the woodpeckers eating the termites and other insects in the tree.
    we have downy, hairy and Pileated Woodpeckers
