Friday, September 16, 2011

So Much for That Idea

So much for that idea...

I posted yesterday that the Red Sox information webpage states that cameras are allowed in Fenway Park.  It said nothing about any restrictions, and for a little while there I was thinking I'd be able to bring my DSLR in to Monday's game.

Then I figured I'd better ask about larger cameras, specifically those with detachable lenses, to see if there are any restrictions on the camera policy that aren't mentioned in the posted camera policy.  I was hoping I was being paranoid.


I sent a message via the Red Sox Contact Us page asking if cameras with detachable lenses were allowed into Fenway Park.  I just received a response.  The answer is a big fat smelly no.  (I expected it, really)

The responder said that the camera policy posted on the information page needs to be updated and that he will work on getting that done.


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