We talked a little bit about maybe getting a new one. At the time it was a casual conversation. Two weeks and a trip to IKEA, Bernie and Phyl's furniture, a couple of stops in wal-mart, and a quick visit to Bed Bath and Beyond later and we have a completely redesigned living room. The only things left are the two floor to ceiling lights, one of the end tables, my uncle's reclining chair, my other uncle's wall clock, and our awesome hi-def television.
At IKEA we bought a new television stand, a huge book case, four sets of DVD shelves, some nice new lights, and a side board. At Bernie and Phyl's we bought a new couch and a table to fit behind the new couch. Wal-mart chipped in with curtains, a rug, and another light... of the lava variety, and Bed Bath and Beyond supplied a table runner for the side board... and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few things.
The TV moved from the bay windows to the opposite wall, the one the sectional completely filled. The couch and the couch table moved to the bay windows which lets us actually reach two of the windows that were previously blocked off. The recliner moved from next to the door to beside the opposite window. The DVDs surround the TV stand, and the book case takes up some of the space formerly covered by the sectional.
We're really happy with how it looks. There might be further tweeks. Jen isn't 100% happy with the new rug, and neither of us are all that thrilled with the table runner. We're going to live with them for a while and see if they grow on us. Partly because we're both so beat from working our asses off on this project, and because we want to do similar things with the kids' rooms, our bedroom, and the office.
Here are some pictures. In my usual dork mode I took too many. First I got all the angles without using the camera flash, then I took most of the same angles with the flash. (As always, click the images to see the Flickr pages where you can click the all sizes button and then click the link called original and see the full sized images.)
I hope you like it.

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