Thursday, July 23, 2009

Still Tired

Why am I so tired? I'm exhausted. Last week was one of those weeks where every night we some how managed to stay up way too late, and then when we did go to bed neither of us slept well at all.

This week we have been going out of our way to get to bed early. Generally between 9:00 and 9:30. I have been getting good night's sleep every night, but still I am tired all the time. Caffeine is helping to keep me going, but it's only helping so much.

Why am I so tired? I wonder if I have mono again?

(note: the only reason I mentioned mono is we watched an episode of Scrubs [we're up to season four, about half way through the entire series] where a patient was misdiagnosed as having mono... not because I think I have mono. Self diagnosis is fun!)

Totally Off Topic Alert! (but totally on topic for the last post): We will be able to take the kids to Karate on Saturday. We've missed that the last couple of times because we've been so crazy busy. That's something else to put on the Saturday agenda. Nice!

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