Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bing vs Google

Jen just sent me a cool link. It's a site called Bing vs Google. Give it a search string and it will return a side by side comparison of... well... Bing vs Google.

I've been giving it very goofy search strings such as how long do I have to wait before redheads take over the world? Google is consistently faster when given nearly nonsense input and the top items returned appear to be more relevant. In fact, the just mentioned search string actually returned a site called Realm of Redheads which I will be checking out when I have more time.

Try the comparison out and see which one gives you better results. I think I will be sticking with Google for my searching needs, although Jen pointed out that Bing has an API that works with Microsoft technologies and that is pretty awesome.

Still, I go with Google for my own meager uses.

And if backing Google in the search war with Microsoft doesn't get me an invite to Google Wave then I guess nothing will.


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