There was a time in the long distant past where I let my hair get pretty long. I was a victim of the mysterious late 80s/early 90s appeal of the dreaded mullet...

There was never a single moment in time when I thought I looked good with long hair. I knew I looked ridiculous. I knew I looked like some one with a severe mental defect or two. I knew that no one in their right mind would ever take me seriously looking so retarded. I just didn't care. I felt comfortable some how.

Those days are long gone.
Until now.
I have more hair right now than I know what to do with. It's been a while since my last haircut. I don't know how long it's been. A while, but not an eternity. It just seemed to sprout out of the melon on top of my shoulders really fast this time around. We have a lot on the plate this weekend (when do we ever not have a lot on our plate) so I am not sure I'll be able to get the mop chopped, or get in a fight with a lawn mower, or have the garden weeded... I'm just making up crap now. I'll stop.
If I am feeling daring, or more ridiculous than usual, maybe I'll take before and after pictures when I do eventually get it cut.
That would be fun, wouldn't it? (no, not at all.)
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