What could two people do in New York on those three days? We've been to New York before so we don't necessarily have to do all of the site seeing stuff. We can go to some lesser known attractions.
I think a guided tour of Radio City Music Hall might be fun. Maybe catching a play on Broadway, or even off Broadway. This is all hypothetical of course.
Hypothetically, my two all time favorite guitar players are sharing the stage together at Madison Square Garden on the 18th and 19th. I've seen Eric Clapton live twice. Once in the early 90's and then again in '04. He was friggin' inhumanly brilliant in '04. I've never seen Jeff Beck in concert. He has been at the very top of my must-see-before-I-die list since about... oh... 1989 or so.
Hypothetically speaking, were we to be in town for one of the nights they are playing at MSG we would not go. For two reasons. If we were to hypothetically be in New York on that hypothetical weekend it would be for some peaceful together time for me and my wifey-do, not for seeing 60 something year old guitar gods. Also, because hypothetically the only tickets left are in the $250 a piece range. On that note, even if I did want to subject my love to a concert (I don't, I want a quiet get away weekend where we can just be together... hypothetically of course) we wouldn't spend that ridiculous amount of money on it.
So, what other things can we do if we make such a hypothetical trip?
Last time we went there were a few places on our B-list-of-things-to-do that we didn't get to. I can't think of any off the top of my head though. I think I wanted to at least pass through Greenwich Village. I seem to recall a park that Jen wanted to see. That's all that is coming out of the fog of my memory.
Last time we went to the Empire State Building, Times Square, Rockefeller Center, Central Park, Strawberry Fields and John Lennon's house (hypothetically we would probably have to go there again. The Beatles catalog has since been remastered so we would in turn have to make a remastered visit of our own), Battery Park which was littered with construction, the Statue of Liberty, Columbus Circle, we took a stroll down Wall Street... what else should we do? Remembering of course that hypothetically it will be February so maybe more time spent indoors than out would be beneficial.
I will hypothetically spend some time researching ideas on the 'net. Your job, oh faithful reader(s) is to comment with more ideas. Hypothetically of course.

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