Here's a lame point that is even lamer than yesterday's post about using iPhoto. This picture was taken with the awesome lens my wife bought me for Christmas. The one from yesterday was taken with the lens that came with the camera. Why is that interesting? Because it's the first time I used both lenses in the same sitting.
I took a couple from outside with the new lens because I love it and it's better than the kit lens. When I got inside, however, I realized it would be better to have the wider view that the kit lens offers.
Wow, am I a dork, or what?
This just shows me that my next lens will be nice and wide. The new lens is a Nikon 55-200 mm F/4 5.6G ED-IF AF-S DX VR Zoom. The kit lens is a AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G ED.
Fascinating, eh?

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