Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Yesterday felt like a crappy day almost from the minute I left the house right up until the moment I returned to it almost 12 hours later. Just a sad, painful, success-free kinda day.

Today has been better. A little bit better at least. It was a serious fight to get my fat butt out of bed this morning. I could have stayed under the covers all day and not given it a second thought. I've had a bit more of a positive that-worked kinda feeling today, but overall I just want to go home. Also, is it just me or is this the slowest day in recorded history? I feel like I slipped out of the normal space/time continuum into some weird parallel universe where one hour is 200 minutes long.

I still have three hours or so to go in the work day even though it feels like I've been here for at least 10 hours. I want to go home.

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