Frantic! Crazy! Out of Control! All phrases that describe my stomach right now. Urgh... it's supposed to get easier as you jump over the hurdles on the path to eternal debt, isn't it?
Urgh! I say!
This weekend Jen, the love of my life, and I had planned to pack. Or at least start packing. Then Jen made a comment that I 100% agreed with. I don't recall the exact quote but it was something along the lines of, what if we start packing before we have a mortgage commitment letter and we some how jinx the whole deal? Kinda like how you're not supposed to buy baby gifts for some one who is pregnant (except for baby showers? How does that compute?). What if, cosmically speaking, throwing all of the shoes at the bottom of the closet into a box or two (or ten, I have big feet) caused fate to measure up our karma as slightly lacking and it flushed the whole house deal down the john? (I've often mixed metaphors... but mixed philosophies? This might be a blogger first for me)
So we canned the idea of packing for a few days. We did lighten our load slightly though. Jen and I had five laptops between us. One is her work issued machine, but still... five... for two people. She had her work box, a super awesome gaming machine, and a MacBook. I had my main lappy and my old Gateway that runs Linux. We decided to look into selling the MacBook and the Gateway. The Gateway might have nabbed us about $20. The MacBook though... those suckers age well.
She tried to sell it on ebay and got a really good price for it. Unfortunately the twit who won the auction defaulted. Asshole. So she tried again, this time on craigslist. Success! She got a bunch of offers and settled on the best one. On Saturday we met the buyer in Burlington where we looked out my favorite restaurant and fought back tears of temptation and made the sale. We then went into Barnes and Noble and perused the home improvement section. Just looking... not jinxing anything.
On Sunday we spent the time that we should have been packing at my parent's house playing with my niece. After a long day of being the star of the show she did something that made me nearly combust with glee. She was getting really cranky and decided she wanted a ride in her stroller. No, said mom and dad, we're getting ready to go home so the stroller has been put away. While her dad, my brother John, held her she started to cry and she... she... called out for her uncle Rob!
I nearly bust with pride! She does like me! (granted I had just finished wheeling her around the yard in her stroller, so maybe she was just assuming if she came to me she'd get another ride... stop it Rob, don't ruin the good uncle feelings!)
Yesterday was back to reality. The mortgage broker sent us a conditional commitment letter. That's right, if we can answer a few questions they will give us a truck load of money to buy a house! Success! Happiness! But...
For some reason Jen and I both felt our excitement over the commitment letter disappear to be replaced by nerves and fear. So what if we have a conditional commitment letter... so what... we still don't have
the commitment letter. We don't expect to have that until the middle of September. A lot can change between now and then. Now we're both really unsettled when we should be drawing up furniture floor plans. (not that we're not doing that anyway, but you know what I mean)
We are excited. We can't wait to move. We're just scared to death at the same time. It's an odd feeling, ya know?