I mentioned that I bought a camera app for my iPhone called Camera Bag. The app takes images taken by your camera and simulates other types of cameras with them. I took some shots driving home in the rain Friday. Here are two, I don't remember which options I used when I took them. (that came later)

After those two random images (which were taken directly in the app) I decided to get scientific about things. I took one image through the windshield and then used each camerabag option on the same image so I could compare and contrast. Here are the results...
First, the original image.

This option is called Mono.

I like this one, it's called Lolo.

Now for an Instant. A poloroid simulater.

This one is kinda cool, but I can't see myself ever really wanting to use it. It's Infrared.

Now for Helga.

Fisheye. Again, can't see myself ever wanting to use this one.

I like this one too, Cinema.

Welcome to 1974.

And finally 1962.

What do you think?
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