The housing drama continues. We told our agent that our offer expired at 4:00pm today. 4:00 came and went and we heard nothing. Jen then spoke to the agent afterwards and he basically gave us the "what are you nuts?" treatment. He managed to speak to one of the sellers and the delay seems to be that they don't have a clue what they're doing. So they asked us to extend the offer through 5:00pm tomorrow. Okay, we can do that... but no more.
There is one stretch of my drive home that tends to be delayed quite a bit. So, I took a bunch of pictures using the iPhone camerabag app. I didn't keep track of which function I used where, I just flipped around and saved the ones that looked nice. Enjoy!

Now not to change the subject or anything, but welcome the return of iPhone Astrophotography! WOOHOO The Moon!

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