This is about a half a mile down the road from Thunder Hole. We stopped here, wondering where in the holy hell was Thunder Hole.

Crashing waves? In the Atlantic? No way!

The obligatory bird-flying-over-the-ocean pic.

At last we come to Thunder Hole! Unfortunately, Thunder Hole only sounds like thunder when the tide is in. We were about four hours early for that. It's still a cool little sight though.

When the tide is in, the water goes crashing into this little gap in the rocks and it is supposed to produce some serious noise. We were lucky to hear one hearty crash, and I think I have that on video, but mostly it was just water filling up the hole, and then water draining almost completely out of the hole. Still cool.

With the exception of a sandy stretch aptly titled Sands Beach, the whole shoreline was rocks. It was a very impressive sight.

The love of my life, humoring her dumb ass husband-with-the-camera.

Lobster traps. Everywhere you go, lobster traps.

Now sadly we leave Acadia National Park. We spent the rest of the day wandering around downtown Bar Harbor and dipping in the hotel's pool. On the way home, my amazing wife took me somewhere that erased a glaring omission from my tourism life. Back on our honeymoon we went to Point Loma in San Diego and saw the lighthouse. I told my beloved that I had never been to a lighthouse before, even though I have lived my whole life in New England. Once we went to New Castle Island in Portsmouth, NH and I could see a lighthouse (or two?) in the distance, but I cannot think of a time when I had actually been to one.
We were taking the scenic route home, sticking near the coast, and Jen proposed a detour. She didn't tell me where we were going, but I followed her directions as I will follow her anywhere. Where did we end up? The Nubble Lighthouse in York, ME, that's where. I have now taken pictures at a real life New England lighthouse. Thanks lovey!

That bird standing on the tall rock was there for a long time. It reminded me of a meerkat standing sentinel. Yes, I have been to a zoo recently.

I think we could be comfortable living in that house.

There was a lobster restaurant right next to the lighthouse. I wonder if the lobster traps belonged to them?

More rocks, and a little boat launch.

This is why the good pictures of the lighthouse have the lighthouse way over to the left side of the image. Damn power lines screwing up my shot!

That's better.

Finally, the love of my life one more time. She blinked on purpose. I love that smile.

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