We went to the town hall in Tewksbury and applied for our marriage license. It's all legal like now. hehe
We went to a 3pm meeting with our coordinator at the reception hall and she didn't show up.
We went to my parent's house to wait for the coordinator to call us. Fortunately Lisa and Mary were both there too and both baby Patrick and Sarah were able to take our mind off of being pissed off at being blown off for a couple of hours.
At 7pm we finally got a very appologetic call from the coordinator and we went and had our meeting. The whole time line has been sketched out. We now not only know what is going to happen during the reception, but we know approximately when. Good stuff.
Then we celebrated with ice cream. mmmmm ice cream.
Then Jen saw the first house centipede of the year.

They tell us that house centipedes are good to have around because they hunt like crazy and eat all other bugs (including spiders... does any other bug eat spiders? I don't think so). Unfortunately they are also the vilest most evil looking creatures on the face of the planet. More horrible looking than even a crab with the head of an insurance salesman. (Yes, that was a Woody Allen line)
Last year I sentenced all house centipedes that invade our half of the duplex to the most horrible death I can dish out.
Tonight's execution was carried out with enough enthusiasm that the windows are still rattling a half hour later.
Go Bruins.
Ok, your picture of the house centipede didn't show so I google image searched. My stomach is still queasy but that's the "change of season" bug that visited us yesterday. I don't think I'm going to be the same for awhile. :(