They suck.
The sun had already set behind me so everything looks gloomy, and the field isn't nearly as flooded as it was yesterday. You can see the infield now although the outfield is still a vast lake. The ducks and Canadian geese were still hanging out though.
Click on the images and then when you get to Flickr click on the all sizes button and maybe you'll see some actual detail. Maybe not.
The Spicket River runs behind this field somewhere so I am assuming that's where the water came from. I'm probably wrong though.
Here's the view from just beyond left field. Like I said, the infield is drying out already but there is still enough water to give sailing lessons.

The geese are apparently Blue Jays fans who are working on their double play combinations. See? They are Canadian geese? Toronto Blue Jays fans? Right, I'll shut my cake hole now.

The ducks swimming in center field went more for a relaxed, pastoral kinda vibe.

The water somehow looks deeper the further out you go. Is the field slopped toward the center field fence?

The parking lot looks much better than it did this morning but it is still mostly closed off. I was actually parked at a bus stop. The vehicle you see here may well have been stuck there since the weekend.

The good news here is that the water is definitely receding. Hopefully in a few days the roads will be open and I won't have to drive all over creation trying to get to and from work.
Continue to keep dry folks!
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