Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What Did I Say?

According to news reports this morning actor Corey Haim has died. Another little piece of the 1980's goes away. I wasn't a fan. I remember seeing Lucas, but I never saw The Lost Boys. What I was a fan of was the endless joking made at his and his other half Corey Feldman's expense.

I went to youtube looking for two video clips that I could use to pay tribute to the fallen former teen idol.

One was the Robot Chicken episode with the two Coreys fighting crime... or solving mysteries... or something. I forget. I haven't seen it in a long time, but I know it was funny. I know it.

I couldn't find it.

The other video I looked for was a clip from Greg the Bunny. Corey Feldman made an appearance on the FOX show. I don't think it ever aired, but it's on the DVD. Feldman tries to pull a prank on his horrible neighbor, Warren, and accidentally kidnaps Greg.

I couldn't find it.

Here is the dialog as I remember it:
Greg has been sleeping on the front seat of Warren's car when Corey drove off in it (his intention was to drive it a few blocks down the street and leave it there). Greg wakes up, he and Feldman see each other and start screaming.

There is a little back and forth before getting to the pertinent lines.
Corey Feldman: I thought you were a stuffed animal!
Greg the Bunny: I thought you were in rehab!
Corey Feldman: No, that's Corey Haim.
Greg the Bunny: What did I say?

Had you seen the clip you would totally have laughed. It is the best Corey/Corey joke ever.

And now the punch line is gone. Corey Haim has gone to the great vampire hunting rehab in the sky. Happy trails 80's teen idol. Hope things work out better where ever you end up then they did here.

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