We have the kids this weekend and that is good. There is speculation of a 3D movie on Saturday. On Sunday morning there is the thrill a minute ride of begging for money for my step daughter's softball league. We did it last year and brought in a nice haul of dough. The other day she asked me if it was because she was cute. Absolutely!
Sunday afternoon there is a much needed cousins get together. Jen's two kids, my sister's son and my brother's daughter. We're getting together for a cook out. I miss my niece and nephew a lot right now and I am seriously looking forward to seeing all the kids together again. For some reason I just need that now.
Last night was my step daughter's on stage debut as a pianist. She played The Star Spangled Banner at her school's talent show. She was the first act to go on (obviously) and she was fantastic! A flawless performance! She told me she was nervous and a little embarrassed to be in front of the whole crowd, but she enjoyed it and wants to do it again. I am so proud I might spontaneously catch fire.
And now for a completely random, pointless picture from the honeymoon!

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