April 8, 2011 is a Friday.
Rush has recently released dates in the US and Canada in April and Europe in May. They have said there will be more North American shows after they return from Europe, but they have not released an itinerary yet.
So far, these additional dates do not include any New England sites. When the current list of shows was announced Jen and I started thinking about Madison Square Garden (again) on April 10th. That is very doable.
Today, Jen told me that Hershey Pennsylvania is sure nice in the Spring. Specifically, it's nice at the Giant Center on April 8th.
Might our Rush 2011 road trip (tentative) be expanded?

I think you should go, and enjoy! I already regret not going to see Macca in Philly in August because I thought he would be playing Boston at some point. Who knew he'd blow Boston off???