After that we did what we always do when we go to Hannoush, we crossed the street and had dinner at an Indian place called Kashmir. Jen introduced me to Indian food. I am very much the Irish meat & potatoes kinda guy, but any ethnicity's meal that includes chicken is going to go over well with me. Tonight the kids are sleeping over Nana and Papa's so Jen and I have a date night. She's going to introduce me to Tai food. Embrace the spicy, says I.
I had to drive to Canton this morning instead of Framingham, which means I spent the whole drive on the highway. (93S -> 128S -> 93N... no... really) I took a picture from the road that needs some comments. Here it is:

Note the truck. The name on the back is Severance. I see these trucks every day. They are driven by the biggest morons on the road. They change lanes without looking. They take exists from the second lane (every friggin' day). They drive so slow they cause traffic jams. I hate them. They must give an incompetence test to all prospective employees. Every time I see one of these assholes I expect to see some one die.
Die the way the Bruins might be dying that is. They lost 2-1 to Phoenix. Phoenix who had so many cast off rejects on their roster after Wednesday's trade deadline that the players had to wear "Hello My Name Is..." name tags during practice. The B's are scaring the hell out of me. Lately they have no sense of urgency. No energy. No drive. I can easily see them getting bounced in the first round of the playoffs right now. They just seem so beatable. I am very afraid.
I will wrap this one up with another addition of Camera Phone Astrophotography!
Venus from near Concord Center last night.

and finally the moon over our house again.

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