Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Musical Motivation Needed

RPM(extended)... I haven't done a single second of work this week. Why? Why is my motivation gone after the hard (and lets face it, with my voice the embarrassing) part is done?

All that's left to do is overdub the lead guitars and mix the damn things. Those are the fun parts damn it!

I am getting up early tomorrow. 5:00am (ok, probably more like 5:15 with the snoozing) I am going to start recording guitar leads damn it! I am!!

I know all 10 of these songs suck royally but that's never stopped me before. Just listen to the garbage I have posted on alonetone. Granted, the new stuff is worse, but how much worse can you get?

Right. Motivation. That's it.

Now, to go to bed and get some sleep so I can function at 5:00am.

Night folks!

As Neil wrote and Geddy say: Endlessly Rocking

(okay, that's the lamest closing I've ever done. Ever.)

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