I've been thinking about it... maybe I am over reacting. I got the impression that the Bruins saw the Recchi acquisition as a big name pick up. 10-15 years ago that would have been true. Today? Not so much. I honestly don't think bad of Mr. Recchi, I just think that his time has clearly past. He's having a decent year, but he also has played on a terrible push over of a team. How many of those 13 goals (or whatever he has) are garbage goals?
Maybe if I look at it less as a big name move and more as a depth move. The team wanted some one who can score to play on the wing with Patrice Bergeron in place of the injuredly absent Marco Sturm. (I just invented an adverb... injuredly) If we look at Recchi as just a third line kinda guy... maybe it's not so bad. If we look at Recchi as a third line kinda guy and consider the lottery team's second round draft pick... maybe it's an okay deal.
I hope he comes to Boston and lights it up. I hope he and Bergeron click in famous fashion and the two of them carry us all the way.
I just don't think it's going to happen. I think Charelli is the GM of a first place team and thought that he just had to do something and this was the best he could do. I think I would have rathered sticking with just the Montador deal.
My RPM Challenge (extended edition) took a huge step forward yesterday. I now have 10 songs that have crappy lyrics and crappy melodies and crappy vocals on tape. I didn't really think I'd be able to pull it off in one day, but I got it done. A few of the songs have lyrics that were pieced together from notes I took throughout February, but most of them were written on the spot yesterday... and they are so bad that it will be obvious.
I've never been good at writing lyrics. Melodies too for that matter, but the lyrics are especially bad. That being said, it's a fairly recent development that I haven't been able to write something when I've needed too. I've always been able to crank out tons of stuff, it's just always been bad. At some point between Prime Meridian breaking up and joining Break Even I lost the knack. (note: I said it's a recent development, but Prime Meridian split up nine years ago. I'm old, anything that's happened since 1995 or so is recent for me.
Yesterday it was like old times. I wrote complete bullshit garbage nonsense. Just me, iTunes looping a rough mix of the song I was working on, a google document, and a rhyming dictionary website.
The only down side was that during one of these sit-at-the-desktop-computer-writing-lame-lyrics sessions I had a virus pop up on my computer. I have no idea where it came from, but it's pissing me off. It's one of those self replicating suckers that pop up a warning saying you're infected and the only way to get un-infected is to buy some specific product... Obviously the product and the virus were written by the same asshole. Asshole.
Anyway, all that's left on the recording end of RPM(extended) is the lead guitar parts. Then I can mix. I'm contemplating the possibility of dusting off my saxophone for one song. It'll be painful, but it might be fun. Also, I bought these little mini bongo drums things at the Moroccan Pavilion at Epcot Center and I might throw those on some place too. Sure I am going to end up finishing a couple of weeks late, but it's still been a lot of fun.
On to this morning's commute. It was a breeze except for the last half mile. I was on Old Conn. Path in Framingham and got held up by an accident. Some one got rear ended pretty hard. The rear end-ee seemed to be okay, but I saw the rear end-er get wheeled into an ambulance on a stretcher.
At this point I was still pretty far away, but you can see a fire engine heading toward the scene.

Here we are a little closer. You can't see any of the damage, but you can see the rear end-ee. and you can see some rescue vehicles and a cop or two.

Now you're up to date.
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