Two things from the road. First, from this morning...

So Rob, what's so funny about that? Well I will tell you what is so funny about that.
The bumper sticker. Click on the image to blow it up and see if you can make it out. You probably can't so I will just tell you what it says. I think it was taken directly from my gmail spam folder. It says, "For Penis Enlargement Call" blah at blah blah.
Some dude has a Penis Enlargement Bumper sticker on his freakin Ford SUV! I find that to be absolutely freakin' HYSTERICAL! On his CAR!!! I kept looking at it trying to see where the joke was but I couldn't. I suppose it's possible that the phone number is the joke. Maybe it's a fake phone number and you have to call to hear the punchline... then again maybe it really is an advertisement for penis enlargement done in bumper sticker form. Why not, they already bomb everyone's email, why not branch out into reality. I almost pissed myself laughing.
The one question I had was his destination. He turned into the Billerica House of Correction. I wonder... is he meeting clients? Or (more likely) is the penis enlargement company his, and was he... how can I put this... checking in?
Okay... now that I have stopped laughing again...
Here's picture number two. This one leads me to a serious question that can probably never be taken serious because it's following a dick joke on the back of an SUV... but here it is anyway...

This is probably just me nitpicking, but here goes. We're going to focus on the sign in the picture. This is a church on route 113 in Methuen. I pass it on the way home. You can click on the image to blow it up and you can probably make out the writing on the sign, but I will be nice and not make you do all of that work. (you're welcome) it says, "Is this the sign you have been waiting for?" and it is signed "God".
So... a church... put a sign on it's property... and the writing on the sign is attributed to God Himself... But God never actually said those words... so... some one in the church is putting words into God's mouth... and how is that not blasphemy?
No, seriously tell me. How is putting words into God's mouth not a disgusting example of blasphemy? I don't get that. It's breaking a commandment to take the Lord's name in vain... but putting words into his mouth and literally signing his name is just good advertising? I don't understand.
Yeah... the dick joke was much funnier.
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