Or so it seemed.
After the accident the traffic didn't clear. After less than a quarter of a mile I found out why.

That was fresh too. No emergency vehicles were on the scene yet. There were a lot of people standing around looking at it. It would seem that no one was hurt. That's good news.
Don't you hate it when you have those weird black out moments while driving? I don't mean literally blacking out or anything dangerous like that. I just mean when you are driving along and suddenly ask yourself something like, "where the hell am I?"
I had one of those moments today. I was just wrapped up in the music I was listening too and lost track of where I was. Serious auto pilot. I thought back and could remember most of how I got where I was, but I still cannot for the life of me remember crossing route 117. That's pretty scary.
Speaking of scary, I found this story on twitter this morning. It seems an online data storage company had major hardware failures that ended up losing over 7000 customer's worth of data. My question is, if you're in the backup busines... why don't you have a backup. Just a thought.
I had a really rough time getting to sleep last night. We went to bed a little late, but it took me a long time after that to doze off. The result was no recording this morning. It also resulted in me being really tired this morning. We had a full weekend.
First on Saturday we hung some wall board at Larry's. I am not cut out for manual labor. Later we went to The Border Cafe for a big get together with 11 people. We're so busy now leading up to the wedding that we might not get another chance to spend time with most of our friends until after the honeymoon. This was great.
Yesterday we had my Uncle Johnny's first anniversary mass. It was brutal. The mass was also celebrated for a group of men returning from some sort of men's retreat. The holy rolling was almost unbearable. Almost as bad as the group of 50-60 men on the alter singing and clapping on one and three like the worst ever stereotypical soul-less white people.
Afterward we went to my parent's house with the whole family and had the annual St Patrick's Day boiled dinner. It was gooood. Salty and goooood. We all hung out for a while and watched the Bruins beat the Devils to clinch the Northeast division and hopefully get off the terrible schnide they've been on.
Now it's Monday and I'm really tired and I have to work.
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